Friday, 22 May 2009



The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say

Originally we were very excited to discover we had fox cubs in the garden. Small little bundles of joy and fun. First, one fox cub ventured into our garden, following a butterfly. It was like something out of the Jungle book. Then before we new it, two little fox cubs..... then a third, and now a fourth foxy cub.

Now there will be those of you out there that are thinking, they are so lucky...... and yes we are, it is fantastic to watch them playing, and fighting, and mock hunting, but then.... also get the other end of the stick. Little thank you messages all over the decking (I think they like to poop on the decking as it is a nice warm surface for their behinds), the tunelling, then there is the fun of biting through the netting of the vegetable patch, the uprooting of small plants, and their most enjoyable pass time, the daily attack on our most prized new garden plants Aliums!

We planted ten of them. We watched all ten start to grow. First the spidery bottom leaves and then finally, the central stalk which holds the beautiful top section of the Alium flower, with it's amazing star like flowers on little stalks. We nurtured and watered them daily, to the point where they were just about to flower, and then the foxy cubs found them. Systematically over a series of a week, they jumped on them, bit the heads off them, rolled over them again and again, and then started digging at the roots.

From our original ten Aliums we now have just four left. These are now heavily protected, but with the foxes bounding around and getting bigger and more boisterous by the day, we fear the Aliums days are numbered.

Oh well, I suppose it is our fault for not protecting them earlier.

The other thing the foxy cubs have done, is to chew through the cable wire to the little garden video camera we have set up to watch the little foxes. They obviously felt that their privacy was being invaded and just chewed through the cables! Mind you they are plugged into the mains so they must have got a little jolt.

But to be honest, even though they are causing a nuisance and really starting to annoy my wife, I still love to see them playing in the garden. Those cute little foxes can really cheer up your day.

Maybe I should get around to fixing the fence where they are getting through (wink)

Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so

Milk and sugar?

Join us in our little shop for a virtual cuppa

Thursday, 21 May 2009



The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say

Well..... It's been an interesting few weeks, with the Telegraph, releasing lot's of juicy details about the government, the pretending government, and the have runs of the political world.

And who said politics was not interesting. My ears are on stalks at the moment, loving the squirming, the self delusion, and back stabbing chit chat. It's like a stuffier version of 'Heat' magazine.

They know they have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar, and they all knew about what they were doing, and were often briefed on how they could milk the system for all it's worth, and yet they try and make a political point and stand there with mock regret as they happily say....' Well yes, our MP was caught out and claimed for this but, look at so and so on the other political team, he was caught claiming for more, so that makes it all right.

Honorable men and women my backside. The moment they get any power, does not matter at what level, local or national, they get corrupted. One bad apple in the apple barrel and it infects them all.

Let's not forget the timing of the release either. The Telegraph are as corrupt as the rest of them, as they are after a certain result in the European elections which will benefit them. Everyone does something for their own means, so the people at the telegraph cannot start trying on their pure white coats yet.

Mind you, it has been done with such dignity coming from a broadsheet. Imagine the fun we would have had if it was the SUN or MIRROR releasing the information, and the way that they got the lurid information.

It's a difficult one, as you need someone in power. Who else would we have to moan about when conversation ebbs away, if not for our corrupt government. My teachers (politics teachers mainly) always instilled in me that we have the right to vote, and should use that vote wisely. All the time they were grooming us with this information they were taking potshots at the tories, hoping that their political views would help their political favorites get in. But If I have the right to vote I also have the right not to vote.

We are always told if you waste your vote on one of the lesser parties, then someone terrible will get into power. The thing is, someone terrible has been getting into power for all these years and we never learn. 'New' this and 'fresh' that, and 'eco' here and 'right on' there, and yet nothing really changes apart from how much money we each make out of each pound earned. I claimed on expenses once for 14 taxi journeys..... I felt really guilty, and have this feeling that one day someone will say.. ' Hey you...those taxis you claimed for!'

I found it very funny that one side was, bath plugs, porn, mortgages etc and the other was moats, chandeliers, horses, gardeners etc. I'm afraid as long as we let it happen, they will just keep rebadging themselves and telling us what they are going to do to please us until they are in power and then forget all about those promises. "Taxes....yes we will lower them the minute we are in power, if you vote for us" (crocodile smiles all around).

It's time to question all in power, be local government or national.

To all MPs and those who will one day become MPs.... Shame on you

Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so

Milk and sugar?

Join us in our little shop for a virtual cuppa

Tuesday, 12 May 2009



The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say

Well I awoke to the news (is it really news) that Peter and Jordan are supposed to be splitting up. 3 Yrs after getting married, 2 kids together later and little Harvey , and the end is nigh apparently. I am a little surprised given that Peter Andre is about to release his brand new album after years away. What a terrible time to be going through a break up..... Surely he could do without this kind of media attention at a time like this. Maybe as a form of therapy, they could film their divorce.

It reminded me of the day I got married to my beautiful wife. I had managed to escape the pressures of getting married for quite some time, always in my mind to get married to my beautiful now wife. In the words of Take that..... ' Today this could be....the greatest day of my life '. And as sickening as it sounds, It was so far the greatest day of my life, apart from my own birth I suppose. Everything else pails into insignificance. And as I stood there in front of my wife and declared my vows to her, I heartfelt, meant every word of it.

Sometimes I think people can get so immersed in the show of the whole day and forget what is actually important. Your commitment to each other. That moment when you exchange rings, clears your mind of the wine bill, venue hire, stress of what the parents want from the day.

We planned everything to the last detail and enjoyed every single moment except from a few hairy moments at the start of the process when we had to forcefully remind outside parties whose, actual day it was.

We thrived on the organisation, the wall chart plans, the details, the wishes and desires of each other, the feel we wanted for our day, and all the little little details that leave the day memorable for yourself and of course your very important guests that have given up their time to help you celebrate. We loved the fact that our parents helped making our own confetti, we loved filling the little favours boxes with fun little sweets, we were over the moon that some of our guests were hyper on a mixture of sugar and alcohol from the retro flying saucers provided at the bar, but above all we loved making the whole day very personal to ourselves and to our guests.

Recently we had an order from someone wanting to add that personal touch to their wedding, and we provided each guest with their own badge to commemorate the day. Another wedding, a civil partnership between two lovely ladies resulted in us providing badges for the guests to give to the couple which was simply a badge with MRS & MRS on it.

We have so many lovely stories from customers who have used us to help celebrate their wedding days and we feel very priveledged to be asked to supply for them.

Thank you to all our married customers and to our future married customers. Enjoy your big day.

Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so

Milk and sugar?

Join us in our little shop for a virtual cuppa

Monday, 11 May 2009

LITTLE BADGES - Anyone for tennis?


The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say

Another great weekend of sunshine, has reminded me that Wimbledon is just around the corner.

For me, and I imagine everyone, we grow up with a specific player at the top of their game, and try and emulate them. With me, It was Boris Becker and Ivan Llendl.

To me that is the era that defines tennis, as it is when I was playing regularly and in the school team.

Before these two titans of tennis had come along, It was always McEnroe and Connor's.
And if you ever get the chance to see a challenge match now with McEnroe, don't dismiss him as being out of the game, he still plays some incredible tennis with sparks of genius, not unlike Henman and Murray.

When Boris Becker came onto the scene, he was a real breathe of fresh air to the game, In the same way that Andre Agassi was, when he turned up in full whites at the Wimbledon tournament.

Just 17 and 7 months when he Won his Wimbledon title, He was not that much older than us, that we could all imagine ourselves playing at Wimbledon. The Girls adored him, with his longish hair, and the boys admired him for his gung ho spirit of chasing down every ball. And when we all saw him dive and roll for shots that others would have left, well the school tennis courts where a scene of carnage, with blood stains everywhere on the tarmac surface, And grazes that would make your mothers nearly faint. Plus Tennis became sexy.....which meant we became more sexy, and would get crowds watching us play and practice before, during and after school.

Then I changed from a Becker fan to a Llendl fan. I had such empathy for him, winning every tournament, but not being able to win his most coveted goal which was a Wimbledon Title. Plus he had cool long sweat bands!!!! Tennis just seems to improve and improve, with one hero being replaced by another, Edberg, Aggassi, Pat Cash.

I never really got on with Pete Sampras. I know he was and is a great tennis player, but his attitude and demeanour rubbed the wrong way with me. I always cheered his opponents.

Having sporting heroes, does really really improve your game, and I encourage everyone who loves tennis to go out and play the game for yourself. One day you may be the next Tim Henman or Andrew Murray. Take up thy Tennis rackets and play, I only wish I still played!

Roll on Wimbledon Fortnight.

Why not buy a badge set 'SETW0001 £4.50 + £0.70p&p' in our Badge sets section. Or check out all our Tennis badges in the occasions section.

Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so

Milk and sugar?

Join us in our little shop for a virtual cuppa

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Little Badges - BADGE 'O' THE MONTH MAY 2009


The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say

Well it's that time of the month again. A new little badge get's lofted to the heady heights of....'Badge 'o' the Month'.

Last months 'Badge 'o' the Month' was a worthy contender,
George: 1 Dragon: 0, celebrating St George's day, which garnered accolades from Adelaide to Arbroath.

So this months 'Badge 'o' the Month has a lot to live up to. But the little fella is keen and with it's bright red plumage does not fail to dazzle.

We have chosen a Strawberries and cream graphic this month in the recognition of the great Wimbledon Tennis tournament. (Lived in London for 10 years and never been yet). Nothing really sums up an English summer than punnets and punnets of Strawberries and cream.

During the Wimbledon fortnight over 2,000 kilos (8,000 punnets) of strawberries are consumed daily during the Fortnight and that's topped off by 7,000 litres of fresh cream!!!
Unfortunately for me, Strawberries tighten up my throat, but I still love the taste of Strawberries and cream. Mind you it is a shame that Fish & Chips are not the main dish at Wimbledon, I would be more than happy with that.

The other thing that Wimbledon Tennis can guarantee is 2 weeks of dodgy weather! Bring 'all season weather' clothing if attending. Like the lyrics of a Crowded House song, we do get 4 seasons in one day. But this year for the first time, we have a automatic roof for Centre court, so there should be less disruption to the championship this year.

Mind you, I am more old school when it comes to Wimbledon. I remember the rallies and battles of the great Jimmy Connor's and John McEnroe. The amazing matches of Boris Becker, a breath of fresh air into the game, and the uphill struggle of Ivan Llendl to claim a grass court win at Wimbledon.

So this year, Enjoy your strawberries and cream and show your support to our brave little badge by wearing this little badge to the Wimbledon Tennis tournament. Maybe just maybe it will be spotted on television.

Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so

Milk and sugar?

Join us in our little shop for a virtual cuppa