LITTLE BADGES - Anyone for tennis?

The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say
Another great weekend of sunshine, has reminded me that Wimbledon is just around the corner.
For me, and I imagine everyone, we grow up with a specific player at the top of their game, and try and emulate them. With me, It was Boris Becker and Ivan Llendl.
To me that is the era that defines tennis, as it is when I was playing regularly and in the school team.
Before these two titans of tennis had come along, It was always McEnroe and Connor's.
And if you ever get the chance to see a challenge match now with McEnroe, don't dismiss him as being out of the game, he still plays some incredible tennis with sparks of genius, not unlike Henman and Murray.
When Boris Becker came onto the scene, he was a real breathe of fresh air to the game, In the same way that Andre Agassi was, when he turned up in full whites at the Wimbledon tournament.
Just 17 and 7 months when he Won his Wimbledon title, He was not that much older than us, that we could all imagine ourselves playing at Wimbledon. The Girls adored him, with his longish hair, and the boys admired him for his gung ho spirit of chasing down every ball. And when we all saw him dive and roll for shots that others would have left, well the school tennis courts where a scene of carnage, with blood stains everywhere on the tarmac surface, And grazes that would make your mothers nearly faint. Plus Tennis became sexy.....which meant we became more sexy, and would get crowds watching us play and practice before, during and after school.
Then I changed from a Becker fan to a Llendl fan. I had such empathy for him, winning every tournament, but not being able to win his most coveted goal which was a Wimbledon Title. Plus he had cool long sweat bands!!!! Tennis just seems to improve and improve, with one hero being replaced by another, Edberg, Aggassi, Pat Cash.
I never really got on with Pete Sampras. I know he was and is a great tennis player, but his attitude and demeanour rubbed the wrong way with me. I always cheered his opponents.
Having sporting heroes, does really really improve your game, and I encourage everyone who loves tennis to go out and play the game for yourself. One day you may be the next Tim Henman or Andrew Murray. Take up thy Tennis rackets and play, I only wish I still played!
Roll on Wimbledon Fortnight.
Why not buy a badge set 'SETW0001 £4.50 + £0.70p&p' in our Badge sets section. Or check out all our Tennis badges in the occasions section.
Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so
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