Little badges - CHICK CHICK CHICK

The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say
I'm getting ready for the big hunt..... Not wild cats or Zebra, The big Easter egg hunt.
I love Easter, not least because spring is sprung and more wildlife and plants and colour are about, no, mainly because of the chocolate eggs. It's Just far enough away from Christmas to get excited about.
I know when I was a kid, I could not wait for Easter. As soon as Christmas was out the way I had it in my mind that about two weeks later it was going to be Easter time. I kept nagging my parents about Easter eggs and chocolate, and they kept saying, it's not yet, it's in 4 months time.
I knew they were wrong or just pulling my leg, and started to get really worked up about Easter, thinking it would be the following week or the week after that.
As I have realised with a lot of stuff my parents told me....they were in fact right. There was nothing else for it, I would have to go back to playing with my Christmas presents until Easter arrived.
I soon learn't that once the RE teacher started changing the curriculum and putting up more god posters and stuff about Easter, it could only be around the corner.
I am not a religious man in any shape or form, I cannot even pretend to believe in anything great and all seeing apart from the government, and they are not great. For me Christmas is a time for presents and family, and Easter is a time for Chocolate eggs and hot cross buns. Simple as that, it makes life a lot simpler.
What still confuses me about the time in between Christmas and Easter is the fact that a week after Christmas all these lovely easter egg boxes appear on the top shelves at supermarkets (chocolate porn) that you can look at and salivate over until much nearer the time when they suddenly decide to make them all half price. Well I suppose they have been gathering dust and mouse droppings since Christmas so they should be cheaper.
Last year I bought a dozen Creme eggs and hid them throughout the house. I told my wife they were somewhere and it took her till after Easter to find all 12. I had also hid two very large Easter eggs, but she found them without much trouble (the packaging is so big it's hard to hide them). The joy for me was seeing her sheer enjoyment at finding them. She tried to break me a few times with Chinese burns but I held out, and she found them all herself without any help or clues.
This year I am upping the anti, more big boxes (I have already scoped out some brilliant and cunning hiding places) and because it bought me pleasure as well I am going for two dozen small creme eggs.
Happy hunting!
Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so
Milk and sugar?
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