Little Badges - I'm a pinball wizard, I wish!

The virtual kettles on..... So while I let it boil i just have this to say
I have craved a Pinball table for as long as I can remember. I think it was because they had one in the eatery on 'Happy Days'. The particular one I fell in love with is the 1970's Evel Knievel Pinball machine. There is just something about it, that grabs me, and of course I grew up in the era of Evel Knievel and had the stunt bike toy etc.
I have whittled about getting one for so many years now, and every time I run it by my wife, something new comes up to block me owning it. Originally when we were both out of college and living together in a one bedroom flat, three storey's up, It was to do with the space.
So I wore her down, and she agreed that if we bought our own flat, and it was bigger than a one bedroom flat and on the ground floor, I could buy it. So we stopped renting our little flat and bought our first flat together. Ticked all the boxes. Ground floor, two bedrooms and even a garden which was a treat for us. Firstly the place was a run down shell, which needed a lot of work doing to it to get it up to standard, hence why we could afford to buy it. For the first 3 years we spent every penny on decorating, replastering etc etc. By the 4th Year we had done all the major stuff and the money was going towards cushions and curtains and things. And then we finally finished it all, we were able to sit back and relax and enjoy the place.
I remembered the conversation about if we bought a flat, with two bedrooms, on the ground floor etc, that I would be able to buy the Pinball table of my dreams. I found the one I was after, the prices had shot up from 4 years ago as they are getting more rare, but I found one that could be shipped from America to our front door. Well I broached the subject of the pinball table again, and found out that the goalposts had been moved without me realizing.
Apparently the second bedroom now was only big enough to be used as a second bedroom and was to be kept clear for guests...... Where had that come from!
So we ended up selling the flat and moved into a Large 3 Bedroom house. Not only did it have an extra dining room, but it had a very large third bedroom and loft space.
I have recently broached the subject again of the pinball table...... But alas it seems we need all 3 bedrooms, 2 for guests and the dining room is for Dining in, not to be filled with a large pinball table.
I am now beginning to realize that I may never own my beloved Evel Knievel Pinball table, and the closest I will get to seeing it is on the internet as the prices rise and rise.
But you never know. In the meantime the closest I have to Pinball table stuff is a lovely picture book and the pinball bumper badges above.
Well a man can dream!
Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so
Milk and sugar?
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