Litlle Badges - OOH look at the pointy spears

The virtual kettles on..... So while I let it boil i just have this to say
Apparently....3D is coming back. Woo Hoo I hear you cry. But the question is, did it ever leave us. In it's time, 3D was brilliant. I must admit, I was a late starter to 3D films but, wow how excited was I when they played the first one on TV and you got a FREE pair of 3D glasses with your copy of Radio Times or TV Times.
We all sat around the telly, a little closer than normal, all sat there in Our 3D glasses which were very uncomfortable, looking all modern and space age (amazing what a bit of red and blue celluloid can do). If I remember rightly, the film was about Cowboys and Indians. I would not say it had a memorable plot in any form, basic cowboy and Indian stuff, but it did have an awful lot of people jabbing stuff straight at the screen. Knives, guns, and lots of flaming arrows!!
But to give it it's due, I was young in the 80's and I got quite a thrill out of it. My dad was convinced that one of the arrows would actually come out the screen and kept trying to pull us out of the way. He does get excitable.
And then in the 80's the floodgates seemed to open for a while and everything was going 3D. Even Jaws! I thought then we were on the cusp of greatness, and did not even realize that this format had lived and died before in the 50's!
And yes, naïve as I was, we all thought that those special cheap little glasses contained a magic that could make the modern real world even more 3D. We would push sticks at kids faces wearing the glasses, and they would scream "oh it's all so real and 3D...It looks like it is really coming at me"!
When I was over in Vegas a couple of years back, stuck in the smokey casinos, not gambling just watching other people gamble (I am a cheap date), Me and my wife would slip away to the IMAX theatre in the Luxor and watch some 3D movies. No longer the two tone glasses, these just seemed to be grey, we would happily spend 30mins watching these movies, and the technology had definately moved on. We really enjoyed them.
So I can only hope that the 30 plus films being produced at this very moment in Hollywood will actually be good. Maybe less randomly pointing pointy things at the camera, and a much better plot line, and it might just work and take off this time.
Talking movies were ridiculed to begin with, but hey, they seem to be doing all right these days, even the real stinkers.
I personally cant wait to be wowed by the movies again, but I am easily pleased..... and maybe after 3D there will be 4D! Pass the popcorn, wow you nearly had my eye out!
Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so
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