Little badges - So you wanted milk and one

The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say
I have a terrible memory. Well okay not terrible, but in areas very very bad.
If someone tells me their name, especially if it is a work thing, I will instantly forget. I apologise now to anyone I have met in the past. I don't know what it is, but someone will introduce themselves to me, I will shake them by the hand and say hi, even repeat their name as I shake their hand, and then, 2 mins later, that's it. All knowledge of the name is gone. Or worse in my head I have a totally different name for someone.
Faces though, I am brilliant at. I can see someone in the street and know that I have met them before, but woo, ask me their name and I have no chance.
I have to do that thing , where I stop them and say, "how the devil are you, It's been ages, It's me Paul" and hope that they feel a little embarrassed and give up their name in conversation.
I have tried memory techniques whereby I give the person a character based on their appearance or habits, like someone that waddles becomes Pocahontis to me. But the trouble is that I am so tempted to call them Pocahontis when I meet them it gets me into more trouble. Or I am talking to a friend and I am saying " you know thingy from college.....Pocahontis" and of course they have not got the foggiest what I am on about.
My other real area of memory disability is in doing the Tea and coffe runs at work. It does not matter how long I have worked with someone, I am unable to remember how they want their tea, or in fact if they like tea or prefer coffee. I end up making more Teas and coffees than I need and putting them on a table, and saying, I've got one here with milk and one sugar, or a coffee without, and then just offer them to anyone who takes an interest.
I have to write down notes like a waiter or waitress on a scrap of paper, an initial with T + M + S for Tea with milk and sugar. That's why I designed these badges for tea, Coffee ones will follow, but Tea is the main drink at our place. I am eventually learning what people want by visualizing the person wearing the badge.
It's not infallible but I am getting there.
Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so
Milk and sugar?
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