The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say
It's one of my bug bears I'm afraid. I can't stand it, it makes my hackles go up when I see it.
Litter Litter everywhere. I am like Victor Meldrew, picking up litter in my front garden and taking note of what crisp packet or fast food takeaway packaging it is.
Yet it has got so bad under our council, we have fly tipping as well. So instead of the usual stuff, I have recently been getting babies nappies complete with content turning up in my garden.
I don't know what it is about litter that gets my back up, but I look down what should be a lovely avenue, and your eye keeps catching site of a newspaper flapping in the wind, a plastic bag in a tree, or the silver glint of a Hula Hoop packet in someones hedge.
I am not of that mind set that says, someone else will pick it up, that's what street cleaners are for, it's up to the council to sort it. I was always taught to put rubbish in my pockets or hold onto something until I see a bin. Now by bin, I do not mean a hedge, on top of a wall, by a doorway, in a tree, behind a green BT box, over someones wall, down an alleyway entrance etc. I mean a proper bin. Yes there are fewer of them these days, taken out during the IRA bombings and never replaced because of the cost, and the fact that it would take away money from the councils Knees up. But they are around.
I have often told people to pick up rubbish if I have seen them drop it. Yes One day I will be stabbed if the News is anything to go by, but it is a principle. I would not dream of walking down someones road and throwing something on the floor. It's not in my make up. Because I was taught it, because I was in fear of being shouted at by a local Bobby on the beat if I did, or a park warden (where are parkies anymore), mainly because I can't stand to see this detritus on the streets!
I followed a family of Romanian people in full traditional clothing walking down our street the other day. Two kids, two women, and as they walked down the road they proceeded to drop detritus behind them. The kids had been bought some toy cars from the local Tesco's, wham bang, into the packaging toy out, and packaging dropped on the floor. The Mother or grand mother then dropped a receipt, and started unwrapping 4 Ice lollies for them all. 1-4 Ice lolly wrappers dropped over their shoulders. One even looked over their shoulder before doing it.
Well I was just furious, so I picked the stuff up and tried to hand it back to them. I said " There are wheeled bins all down this street just put them in there" but I was greeted by a shrug, a laugh between them and they carried on, with me stood there holding their litter. I ended up putting it in my bin, and then was angry for the rest of the day.
And before you think to yourselves, oh he's one of these on about rosier times, and blaming the kids of today.... It's not just the kids. Litter louts spans so many ages.
You have your litter droppers. Drunks getting rid of their cheap lager cans on the floor, kids and workmen throwing down their kebab wrappers and fast food containers where they finish them, Mums with kids, giving some sweets to their child and then just dropping the packet, smokers just dropping their fags, and people finishing a newspaper and putting it on the nearest flat wall.
Then you have the refuse tippers. Those who can't be bothered to wheel out their wheely bins, and just put their black bags on the street. Some on collection day, but most just when the bins filled up in their house. These are a sneeky bunch. You normally see these people about 6am in the morning or after dark at night. Piling bags up one by one, looking both ways, trying to act nonchalantly. By morning these bags are ripped open by Rats and foxes alike and the contents strewn along the road. But once it's out of their site, it's as if it was never theirs in the first place. Once the foxes and rats have opened it up, it has nothing what so ever to do with them.
To top it all, my council are rubbish. They talk a good talk but are so useless it is unbelievable that any of them have jobs. Councillors after councillors have made empty promises, head honcho's of the Street cleaning team have assured me they are doing everything within their power as long as it is between 10am and 4:30pm to combat this problem. Unfortunately I can't name names or mention my Council on here, but looking at the different London Boroughs I would say the same is true of all of them.
I recently came back from Wales. Staying near the Brecon beacons, the views were stunning, and I thought this is fantastic, this is what the country even inner and greater London should look like (not the mountains of course). Then I was hit in the face by a hula hoops packet!! Walking further up the mountains it just became apparant that litter seems to get everywhere, as I noticed water bottles, childrens dummies, bread bags etc on my walk.
Oh well I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way so feel free to comment.
Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so
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Labels: bins, Britain, council, litter, rubbish, tidy, trash
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