The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say
Well..... It's been an interesting few weeks, with the Telegraph, releasing lot's of juicy details about the government, the pretending government, and the have runs of the political world.
And who said politics was not interesting. My ears are on stalks at the moment, loving the squirming, the self delusion, and back stabbing chit chat. It's like a stuffier version of 'Heat' magazine.
They know they have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar, and they all knew about what they were doing, and were often briefed on how they could milk the system for all it's worth, and yet they try and make a political point and stand there with mock regret as they happily say....' Well yes, our MP was caught out and claimed for this but, look at so and so on the other political team, he was caught claiming for more, so that makes it all right.
Honorable men and women my backside. The moment they get any power, does not matter at what level, local or national, they get corrupted. One bad apple in the apple barrel and it infects them all.
Let's not forget the timing of the release either. The Telegraph are as corrupt as the rest of them, as they are after a certain result in the European elections which will benefit them. Everyone does something for their own means, so the people at the telegraph cannot start trying on their pure white coats yet.
Mind you, it has been done with such dignity coming from a broadsheet. Imagine the fun we would have had if it was the SUN or MIRROR releasing the information, and the way that they got the lurid information.
It's a difficult one, as you need someone in power. Who else would we have to moan about when conversation ebbs away, if not for our corrupt government. My teachers (politics teachers mainly) always instilled in me that we have the right to vote, and should use that vote wisely. All the time they were grooming us with this information they were taking potshots at the tories, hoping that their political views would help their political favorites get in. But If I have the right to vote I also have the right not to vote.
We are always told if you waste your vote on one of the lesser parties, then someone terrible will get into power. The thing is, someone terrible has been getting into power for all these years and we never learn. 'New' this and 'fresh' that, and 'eco' here and 'right on' there, and yet nothing really changes apart from how much money we each make out of each pound earned. I claimed on expenses once for 14 taxi journeys..... I felt really guilty, and have this feeling that one day someone will say.. ' Hey you...those taxis you claimed for!'
I found it very funny that one side was, bath plugs, porn, mortgages etc and the other was moats, chandeliers, horses, gardeners etc. I'm afraid as long as we let it happen, they will just keep rebadging themselves and telling us what they are going to do to please us until they are in power and then forget all about those promises. "Taxes....yes we will lower them the minute we are in power, if you vote for us" (crocodile smiles all around).
It's time to question all in power, be local government or national.
To all MPs and those who will one day become MPs.... Shame on you
Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so
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