The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say
Originally we were very excited to discover we had fox cubs in the garden. Small little bundles of joy and fun. First, one fox cub ventured into our garden, following a butterfly. It was like something out of the Jungle book. Then before we new it, two little fox cubs..... then a third, and now a fourth foxy cub.
Now there will be those of you out there that are thinking, they are so lucky...... and yes we are, it is fantastic to watch them playing, and fighting, and mock hunting, but then.... also get the other end of the stick. Little thank you messages all over the decking (I think they like to poop on the decking as it is a nice warm surface for their behinds), the tunelling, then there is the fun of biting through the netting of the vegetable patch, the uprooting of small plants, and their most enjoyable pass time, the daily attack on our most prized new garden plants Aliums!
We planted ten of them. We watched all ten start to grow. First the spidery bottom leaves and then finally, the central stalk which holds the beautiful top section of the Alium flower, with it's amazing star like flowers on little stalks. We nurtured and watered them daily, to the point where they were just about to flower, and then the foxy cubs found them. Systematically over a series of a week, they jumped on them, bit the heads off them, rolled over them again and again, and then started digging at the roots.
From our original ten Aliums we now have just four left. These are now heavily protected, but with the foxes bounding around and getting bigger and more boisterous by the day, we fear the Aliums days are numbered.
Oh well, I suppose it is our fault for not protecting them earlier.
The other thing the foxy cubs have done, is to chew through the cable wire to the little garden video camera we have set up to watch the little foxes. They obviously felt that their privacy was being invaded and just chewed through the cables! Mind you they are plugged into the mains so they must have got a little jolt.
But to be honest, even though they are causing a nuisance and really starting to annoy my wife, I still love to see them playing in the garden. Those cute little foxes can really cheer up your day.
Maybe I should get around to fixing the fence where they are getting through (wink)
Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so
Milk and sugar?
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