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The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say
There are some succesful stories around at the moment about brainy youngsters getting above and beyond what they hoped for with their A-Levels and GCSE results. Well done the lot of you.....
...but unless somewhere on your CV for future employment you have the highest school accolade going, all your effort may have been for nil.
It is not all about grades, and sometimes those that come away from education without the grades often find a way of rising to the top of the barrel. Academic achievements are all well and good but unless you can also show, determination, grit, and can handle positions of importance with ease...then actually nailing that job in future may be a tad difficult.
What you really need on your cv is a section with all your school achievemnets. Be it Head Girl or Head boy, blackboard monitor, lunch tray monitor etc. This shows employees some worth.
The coveted achievement though has to be....*Drumroll*....Milk Monitor. That is the one everyone wanted. It's the pinacle of your education. To be named for a whole term as official milk monitor to your It does not get much better than that.
Now as I am a little long in the tooth and it may well be the case that our little darlings of today are not allowed milk, because of cutbacks and more than likely health and safety (What a small child handling a glass bottle) it may well be the case that there are no longer milk monitors in school.
If this is the case then something very very very wrong has gone wrong with this world.
To deny little Cuthbert, Helen, and Zak (the cool kid from America who chews gum) the utter pleasure freedom and one upmanship over your fellow school chums is a crime.
I know the 'Maggie thatcher Milk snatcher' was a popular chant when she took school milk from schools, when she was in power, but I hope with the passing of time, those in power can see the value of children drinking something healthy in school instead of an Irn Bru, Tango or a dreaded Coca Cola.
No. Being a school Milk Monitor got you places...well out of the classroom to go and collect the tray of mini milk bottles covered in bird crap. Taking the long route back with your warmed up milk that has been sat out in the sun all morning, a quick whizz in the toilets....don't bother washing your hands, and then returning to the classroom like a hunter gatherer to stand proudly by the teachers desk and hand out bottles to your class chums. Making sure that they have one bottle each, and strictly only one little red straw. Making sure your best mates get the cleanest bottles and the lower ranked kids the ones that have the worst of the bird mess on them. Oh happy days. Happy days indeed. mean you were not a Milk Monitor. Oh sorry. The power of it all went to my head then. Well it's lucky for you, that Augusts Badge 'O' the Month is 'Milk Monitor'
Now you too can swan around the place with your head held high and recieve the adoration of your colleagues. Yes I know we are no longer at school..... but the work place is a wonderful place to reintroduce the MILK MONITOR ethics.
I salute you Milk Monitors everywhere.
Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so
Milk and sugar?
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