The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say
A few frosty mornings, some fog around, a keen chill in the air....oh yes and the heating is on. It can only mean one thing...It's summer in England! No , no, it means we are hurtling headlong towards Xmas at an incredible speed.
Now...and don't shout at me.... I blooming love Christmas. I always have. My parents did me proud growing up, Bike, munchman game, race and chase, rubiks cube and snakes etc. Always something exciting....
.... I even like sprouts. I even love cooking the Christmas dinner for everyone, getting up at 5 past fart in the morning to caress a raw turkey with butter before smelling it start to cook at 7:30 am.

Christmas is a time for family and friends....and I still get excited about opening a present with my name on it. Even if....I probably know what it is.
The only stuff I don't like about Christmas is the religious rubbish. All that rubbish about following a star and an immaculate conception (pull the other one). Hymns and the sort, and people thinking that they can become a little more religious as the holidays start....and that damn nativity play....pure fiction.
As a practising athiest I am fully aware that the Christians hi-jacked Christmas and shoe horned there beliefs into it.
No, not for me.... I just love Christmas for being Christmas. A time to celebrate, a time to over indulge, a time to have a blooming good laugh and to buy presents and the like for the ones you love to show them that you are thinking about them and appreciate them for all the help or guidance they have given you throughout the year.
I also love in the run up to Christmas that moment when you actually feel Christmassy.
For these reasons we have created what we think are lovely Gift badge tags for Christmas presents. Something a little different and special for your special Christmas present recipients. Something with a little extra to say... you are special.

These Gift Badge tags are:
Height: 12cm
width: 6cm
With brown string and a gorgeous little 25mm metal button badge attached.
This is the gift that keeps on giving, not only is it a lovely tag to adorn your special presents but it is another gift in it's own right. Take the 25mm Button badge off and wear it till the New year....or longer.
We have a set of 6 gift tags for just £9.99 + £0.39 postage and packing or buy them as individuals for just £1.75 plus £0.39 postage and packing.
These can currently be purchased here:
So this year show that someone special how much you think of them by adding one of these gorgeous Christmas badge tags to your presents.
Oh yes, and just in case I forget..... Have a very very very happy Christmas.
Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so
Milk and sugar?
Join us in our little shop for a virtual cuppa