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Thursday, 18 March 2010



The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say

When you think of Billy Elliot, you think of the brilliant Jamie Bell in the wonderful film by Stephen Daldry. The music was fantastic, the story fantastic, the acting and dancing all fantastic, and it is a film with real hope under a tremendous backdrop of pain and heartache...

So I hear you ask...What can be better than Billy Elliot the film.

Well that is a simple question to answer....BILLY ELLIOT THE MUSICAL.

I have to say when I saw it, I was blown away by it. The stage direction the acting (yes ACTING in a musical) the music....and above all else the incredible dancing.

Each scene has such passion. Passion from the performers that you can feel...It's in the air, it envelopes the audience, the audience get entranced.

And throughout the Musical, the young boys who play Billy the main character not only sing their hearts out, dance their shoes off, and touch you emotionally with their acting... they are able to do the whole show, without collapsing to the ground.

Because let's make no bones about it....This is a demanding role for anyone, let alone somebody holding the show on their own at ages 12 - 14 yrs of age.

So I come onto FOX JACKSON - KEEN. This young man....has it. Forget your reality shows looking for somebody who can just about hold a tune, manage to stand up on ice, and learn a foxtrot. This young man has the X - factor. The whole package. Maturity passed his years, an old head on young shoulders, a passion to perform, a determination to be the best.....and a performer that has the potential to leave the audience wanting more.

and yes, the audience always want more as they rise to their feets to applaud this young star. And they will go back and see him again and again and again....and he will always deliver....just that something more....just that something a little bit different.

This guys going to be big!

But what am I saying. He is already big at such a young age, he has been on television, in film roles and has entertained thousands of people for the last 2 years as Billy.

But alas... all good things must come to an end, and so on March 27th young Fox Jackson-Keen will leave his role in Billy Elliot to rapturous applause and continue on his journey into the world.

It is of course with heavy heart we will see him go

We were asked to produce a commemorative badge to signify his last performance in his role as Billy, and it is our honour and privelage to have done so. Something special for his fans.
Sadly his last performance as Billy will be March 27th (the day before my't send any really...oh okay then)

and his fans will continue on that journey with him....always there to offer that support.

We look forward to Fox Jackson-Keens next role with anticipation.

If you are not already doing so please join his fan club on Facebook run by Jonas called of course.....

"The Amazing Fox Jackson-Keen"

With less than 10 days to see a true star... I urge you to beg borrow and steal (well maybe not steal) to get tickets to see him. It's going to be emotional!!!

Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so

Milk and sugar?

Join us in our little shop for a virtual cuppa

Monday, 1 March 2010



The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say

Well, the jockeys (or Jokies) are readying the horses, the biggest race of their political careers is about to start, the printers are on standby to print out the latest half truths and down right lies, and the political leaders are being given a quick polish.

So what's on offer. Why all this excitement about an election. Well the winner gets to run the country. Bit of a poison chalice, but hey, think of the perks. And let's face it there are loads of them. All the money, all the attention, all the travel, and afterwards, even if like most of them, they end up failing.... they get a nice slot in the house of lords, even more money, even more consultancy...even more money, after dinner speaking, security for the rest of their lives...more money, have I mentioned the money!

But if someone said to me...Hey, you can run the country...I would probably say yes please.

So how do you get into power, Well you need to get people to vote for you. The "General" public, like you and me. And what's the best way to gain this support from people.....LIE!

Yep, I know, I have said it. But this is how any prime minister, president, dictator, warlord etc have always got into power. Tell you what you want to hear, tell you it over and over again, and how you are the one that can change things.. a vote for me means change!

The truth is...No, nada, not on your Nelly me old beauty, no chance...It's not gonna happen.

You have just bought into the 'Snake Oil' syndrome. Which is something that has so much promise, but cannot actually or ever will live up to your expectations.

It all comes down to numbers in the end, and blow what happens to them after wards.

The only certainty about politics this year is....There will have to be an election!

But we are furious this year so there will have to be some smart thinking on the doorstep. I mean you cannot just add the word New to your parties name ( New Labour, New Conservatives, New Liberal democrats) We already fell for that one. You cannot claim that your party is transparent as we know that every party is as transparent as mud. So what do they do.....

....Smile a sickly smile and tell people exactly what they want to hear on the doors. "Oh no, under our government there will not be cuts", "don't worry, no no, public services will not suffer", "as soon as we are in local government we will resurface every road so there are no potholes - it's due to the last council that your roads are falling to bits", " will be abolished under our government...we have a zero tolerance on fly tippers (but it is very hard to catch them)"

All I ask is, when the foot soldiers come knocking and ringing at your door, asking who you will be voting for...take a long hard look at what they have actually done. Take a long hard look at how much money you pay your local government each month, then look at your surroundings and think..have they spent that money wisely. Is the money you pay in your ward...spent in your ward! Then times that amount each month by the amount of houses in your ward and ask which offshore account the surplus is being invested in..and then ask, if there is surplus, why do they keep increasing the Council tax each year!, then take a look at projects that have been undertaken, they are always rounded up to £1million. A seesaw put in your rundown park...Oh that will cost £1million to install, a new curb....Oh yes that will cost £1million, a light bulb replaced in your street lighting, yep, yep you guessed it...that will be £1million pounds please.

A local example for me is, as a commuter I am trying to get a closed entrance/exit opened at my local train station, which is closed with a shutter and a padlock. They don't know why it was closed....they don't know where the key is, they have been promising to look into it, and open it since 2007. The latest is, the train station wants £100k to open it up!! Well, we have youths around here that could open it with a jemmy in under 20mins. it just me, or do you only see these Councilors when they need your vote. Very very quiet the rest of the year, sometimes very hard to pin down if you ever want to get in touch with them, but come an election, well you can't move for them. Jumping out at you at the station, suddenly on first name terms with shopkeepers in your local launderette, kissing babies and dogs (not cats, that's just wrong).

So i ask, nay plead....take a hard long look at the fake smile at your door, and only vote if you really feel that something will be done for YOU.....and to try and get local issues solved why not try this website and take the time to mark on it every problem in your local area or even the area around your work.

Together we can make a difference....Vote me!

Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so

Milk and sugar?

Join us in our little shop for a virtual cuppa