little Ebay store

The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say

So we encourage you all to let your geekiness shine through.
My geekdom is well documented around these parts. I always seem to be a little different to those around. I never shy away from saying I like something if I do, just in case it amazes or upsets someone else. If I like something I like something.

I love everything about the Harris. His artwork, his enthusiasm, his style...his beard his glasses. He just makes me happy.
But if you like something, I don't see why you should feel ashamed about it. Heck I even like The wurzels. But then again when you look at my music likes I have an enormous eclectic taste.
I also love the work of 'King of the geeks' Jonathan Coulton. An Internet phenomenon who traded in working as a codemonkey to become a musician. His songs are weird, and range from yeti's to Zombies, to computer in putters to Tom cruise and Ikea. Well worth a listen.
Although I do not dress in the traditional geek style... (and having been to Jonathan Coulton gigs....there is a definite geek look) I have Geek within me. I love singing along to a song about Zombies who are trying to break into the office to make ex workmates zombies too. Who would not.
I have many geeky tendencies too... as we all do.
So this month let your inner Geek out. No longer hide your geekness.
With this in mind we have dedicated our front page of the shop to a little bit of geek magic.
Plus we had to...with my love of Rolf and my geeky online tendencies, promote our NEW ROFL badges to the mighty heights of Badge 'O' the month. Available in 6 different colours...(so geeky)
Let the geek inherit the earth!
Go geek.
Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so
Milk and sugar?
Join us in our little shop for a virtual cuppa