The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say
Well you could cut the tension with a knife....No....really...not that bothered, oh well!
I know what you mean, I think I was more excited about the result of the 1997 General election.
I stayed up all night, and normally do for all general elections,. to watch the coverage and see how the news programmes try and jazz up and make exciting what is basically an X factor vote that only two sixths of the population of England vote in. The rest of the votes are all made up...(but that is a seperate conspiracy theory right there. It involves the Masons!)
So I normally settle down just after midnight with a duvet, and strong coffee on the boil all night.
I love to watch candidates talk a good talk and look gutted when the results are announced, and they realise that all the people they have met on the door who said they were going to vote for them....Lied.
I do the same thing though, As you never see your Councillors and Mp's until they want something from you. I will not mention, my troubles with my local council exept to say that mysteriously in the last 4 weeks they have been filling potholes like mad, removing graffiti like it was going out of fashion, pruning trees and bushes in all local parks, and actually removing rubbish from the streets. Their normal policy is to leave rubbish, general and fly tipped until enough people complain or come down with a mystery illness. Apparantly they will be fined by europe for putting too much into landfill and have found a brilliant way of avoiding that!...leave it where it is on the streets! genius.
Whenever they do crawl out from under their rocks and deam me floaty enough to bother trying to convert I always look them squarely in the eyes and say with a smile...yes, I will be voting for you come the election. I find it is the quickest way to get rid of them. I tried telling a conservative councillor, labour councillor, and Liberal councillor before that if they would pay me £5000 they would guarantee my vote. It was just a rouse on my part to see who blinked first, but the Conservative councillor definately mulled it over for a minute while we carried on talking.
As it stands at the moment, I will be voting labour, liberal, conservative, green, and independent!! hehe.
I love the fact that the media is so set on controlling the result along with those in power and money in the stockmarkets. How can 80% of English media be controlled by a conservative supporter and yet at the same time produce unbiased reporting on the election. Well the simple answer is you cannot.
The main gambit at the moment is always reporting on a hung parliament. This technique is used solely and relentlessly to force people into a decision one way or the other to vote for a majority. But I say Hang it....and hang them. Let it be hung. The stockmarkets wont like it, and will say that this is the end, and a double dip recession is on the cards unless we really decide, but seens in less than two years the ftse has almost recouped all the losses from the Big recession of 2005-2010. They all go home with huge bonuses and still have the keys to their front doors.
No. dont worry about those poor city guys and the money they will lose (hehe) It's time to decide what we want.
I wish there was a box on the voting forms that say no vote. I would like to see that, as otherwise you are forced into either not voting at all or voting for opponents to show a protest vote.
And the constant polls. Poll upon poll upon poll. All created by different organisations with different agendas. One of the main one used is supported financially by a media mogul.
Well I can give you the ultimate Poll of the 2010 Uk election based on political badge sales.
Our most popular badge is 'I'm a Brown sugar (but i fear this may be students taking the p**s)
Second most popular is 'Cons Britain'
Which leaves less sales for the Liberal democrats...which in effect makes them the most popular in a way.
So forget your yougov and Mori polls. The 2010 biglittlebadgeco Uk elections results are out.
See you all on the other side of the elections. Let's hope the sky does not fall in as reported by some newspapers.
Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so
Milk and sugar?
Join us in our little shop for a virtual cuppa