The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say
Well I have to admit. I've been a bit lax. A whole month went by last month, and I forgot to tell you about our Badge ' o ' the month for September. I have many excuses, not least being away, sorting out a remortgage, cleaning my teeth etc etc. But I know you guys have come to depend on these blogs!
Every month, we get the opportunity to go through our collection and choose a Badge ' o ' the month. A badge that we feel, should rise to the surface and take it's podium in the spotlight of life. And what with it getting that little bit chillier, and the smell of burning tyres in the air as the nights draw in and the ferral youths decide, the best action in life is to set light to things...Sitting with the curtains closed at 6:30pm wondering if it is time to start making Toad in the whole and stews...we decided to go for one of our lovely Halloween badges to get you in the mood for the coming October. Yes yes...we now we were a bit early but quite frankly if Tescos can have Halloween stuff out in July then I feel we are justified.
So......Our first Badge ' o ' the month for September was a sinister pumpkin face.
Funnily enough this is the same style face I carve into pumpkins each year. We have one in the fireplace, one on the doorstep to encourage the Trick or Treaters to venture down our path (if they dare!!) And one which we balance on the bannisters so that it looks like a floating head in the Hallway. And quite frankly....what says Halloween more than a Pumpkin...apart from a witch. But apart from a pumpkin and a witch, and of course a black cat.....what says Halloween more! And of course a vampire. I mean that goes without saying a Vampire.
Which Happily brings us onto Octobers Badge ' o ' the month.
How on earth do you follow a Pumpkin....Without introducing you to Christmas badges in October. Well we had to ponder long and hard about this. We are putting together special Badge ' o ' the month sets so we needed to be similar...but not too similar. Halloween is traditionally all over October like a bad moss, so we could not turn our backs on it totally. We needed something that could say Halloween one week, stylish iconic and trendy badge...the next.
So after downing half a bottle of Ardbeg Whisky, a bowl of salted cashews....much arguing and bickering.... we decided on a 'Poison' Badge.
We love this little badge as it falls into two camps. Halloween for the kiddies and statement for your teenagers. No need for a teenager to speak with this badge on...It conveys all their emotions in one foul swoop.
So there you go folks....long time coming, but still the dedicated deliberation over each Badge ' o ' the month.
Have a very Happy and Haunted Halloween. We will be in, ready to pounce on any unsuspecting Trick or Treaters while eating the treats and watching Most Haunted live. Be good.....and if you can't be good... be very very bad.
Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so
Milk and sugar?
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