The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say
I'm not a suspicious bloke (I just don't believe anything anyone tells me), but did the 1969 moon landing actually happen?
When you look back at the footage and the timing and everything, it just seems a bit convenient that America who wanted to be the main superpower over Russia.... Just happened to develop a working spacecraft before the Russians. And they landed on the moon!
Added to that we have not been back since 1972 - Which again was American.
So it does beg the question did America Land on the Moon or dupe an entire Generation and generations to come into believing that they landed on the moon. I cannot pop up there and verify a flag on the moons surface, and I am sure that when someone else eventually gets to the moon and discovers no flag.....We will be told that after 40+ years it would have naturally disappeared.
I'll be honest with you.... I just don't see it. More was to be gained by pretending than actually doing it. And let's face it, it is not the first conspiracy to come out of America. They just keep popping them in and hoping people will not notice.
But if you are on the same page as me and think they did not land on the moon in 1969.... Then it begs the question how did they do it.
I would imagine NASA had control of Visual feed, so that could be pre recorded and beamed at the appropriate time, I imagine 3 men in spacesuits is not hard to convince the general public watching at Cape Canaveral that they were watching Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and the other one entering a space rocket, with Apollo 11 written on it.
What does impress me is that Neil Armstrong And Buzz Aldrin after all these years have not broken down and said..... Yep you got me, it was a con. Unless of course if like all great illusions they were also conned. I suppose it would be easy for NASA to hold them in a chamber before take-off, and release them along a tunnel, etc into a spacecraft which they truly believe to be the spacecraft that is to take them to the moon. This becomes a sealed room scenario whereby, anything they see and hear can be controlled by NASA. Projections or television screens on the windows, feeding images that would have previously been filmed on unmanned missions.
How hard would it be for these people to simulate a rocket firing up, and the feeling and shaking and rattling to occur inside a cockpit, all controlled in an out of site hanger. Just hold them there for the mission time, and release them out into a special Hollywood studio environment to make them believe they have stood on the moon. Collect some stuff etc, get back in and pretend it has taken off again.
Samples were never analysed by Neil or Buzz, so to them they believe they have picked up stuff from the moon.
I know these are the ramblings of a mad man.... but it is just so obvious as to be invisible. The saying goes if you want to hide something big, hide it in the most obvious place, and that would be in front of the general public that you intend to deceive.
I am reminded of a Johnny Vaughn Show called Space Cadets. Much lower budget..... but did decieve the people into believing that they were in space.
Just from a 1969 budget point of view..... How much cheaper would it be to pretend to send someone to the moon instead of actually sending someone to the moon.
Would love to hear all theories on this subject. Let your imaginations run wild.
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