The virtual kettle's on..... So while I let it boil I just have this to say
Well it was me 'ole' mums birthday the other day. Happy Birthday Mum for Wednesday.
If it does not make her feel old, then it definitely makes me feel old. As we have all moved away from home it is very difficult now to meet up on birthdays, but thankfully technology has moved on now from a couple of cans and a piece of string, so we had a chat, and I sang her a screeching version of 'Happy Birthday' which has become a tradition.
It's hard to imagine how, technology has zoomed ahead in her lifetime. Televisions, to the first colour television, mobiles, MP3 players. Mind you when, i think of record players as old technology, when I am older, I will be reminiscing about MP3 players. The scary thing is my parents and my wife's parents are more up to date with technology than we are. They both have computers, they both have bigger televisions than us etc etc.
When We were last back home, unfortunately for a family funeral, we sat and looked through some old family photo's. As we were looking through the photo's and listening to the stories, and how my parents met, and all there friends, you start to realise that, your parents were young once as well. They had teenage angst, they had crushes, they had the cheeky underage drink in a pub and got caught by their parents, they had their first holidays together pre children. Funnily enough, my dad was a rocker, and my wife's dad was more a MOD, yet they get on like a house on fire when they meet up.
So here is to all those Birthday people out there, another year older, but with another years worth of memories and the knowledge that they have had a great life even with children.
Happy birthday
Well, I can hear the kettle has just finished boiling so
Milk and sugar?
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